eVidya UP Police Constable Practice Avum Pradeshik Armed Constabulary (P.A.C.) 15 Practice Set for Entrance Exam 2023-2024 I Arakshi Bharti Pariksha with 2019 Solved Papers
The New edition of eVIDYA’s “Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Evam Pradeshik Armed Constabulary (PAC) Aarakshi Bharti Pariksha-2023-2024, 15 Practice Sets” is the book that has been prepared to give the feel of the Exam like situation and real-time practice experience. Questions provided must have detailed solutions and explanations and be considered as the most expected questions) of the exam. If you prepare to crack the Uttar Pradesh Police Constable exam, Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Evam Pradeshik Armed Constabulary (PAC) Arakshi Bharti Pariksha-2023-2024, 15 Practice sets book will surely help you. The booster dose of Current Affairs is also available with this book.
eVidya UPSSSC Uttar Pradesh Rajaswa Lekhpal Bharti Pariksha 15 Practice Sets Book with 2022 solved Papers
eVIDYA practice sets for Lekhpal (UPSSSC notification of 8 December 2021) exam preparation is as per the latest exam terminology which is consisting of four sections- Samanya Hindi, Ganit, Samanya Gyan, and Gramay Samaj Evam Vikas. Aspirants who have previously appeared for this exam and are lacking in some other concerns, for those eVIDYA developed book on “Uttar Pradesh Lekhpal Bharti Pariksha 2022, 15 Practice Sets” having smart unique features to cover the latest exam pattern, and trends for ensuring almost 100% success in exam. This book also contains 2015 Solved Paper to understand the latest trend of examination answering pattern along with 15 practice sets where each practice set consists of 100 questions for first self-analysis and practicing and evaluating then with the detailed solutions provided for each question. Central Budget 2022-23 and Uttar Pradesh Special Coverage is also available in the book to add on extra learning advantage to lekhpal aspirants.