How to Create an E-Learning Course
My last article to educators introduced you to various web resources, apps and services that one may use to plan, execute, and assess a learning outcome. This article explores the stepwise format for creating an E-Learning Course. What must you keep in mind for learners? What are the ingredients of an effective elearning session? Let us delve deeper into this journey.

1. Planning for the Session
Create Learning Outcomes Like every lesson that a teacher plan, an online one specifically must begin with defining exactly what the learner will be able to do at the end of your session. An example of a learning outcome can be “After this session, students will be able to list the different sources of energy.” Pay attention to the fact that your learning outcome must be tangible.
2. Research Your Topic
Remember that we are talking about E-Learning here. Students already have a device and an internet connection in hand. They are likely to go through a number of other websites before, during or after attending your session. Being aware of the online experiences that learners have will make you better equipped educator. Not only that, complete mastery of your topic will not only woo the trust of your audience but will also enable a great digital reputation.
3. Know Your Audience
Without a thorough assessment of your own audience, you cannot conduct an equipped and fruitful session. What are the basics that you must know about them? To begin with, it’s important to know the kind of gadgets they are likely to use, the kind of bandwidth they have and their own expertise in handling the technicalities of the session. Another important aspect is to gauge whether they meet the prerequisites. Always preplan your E-Learning session well in advance. When you fix the session, make sure the audience is aware of the prerequisites. Give them time to brush things up before they attend your session.
4. Choose An Authoring Tool
An Authoring Tool is a teaching/learning app, software or service that allows you to author your content, schedule a class, make it live for your learners and assist with feedback. Most common authoring tools include Easygenerator, LCDS by Microsoft, SmartBuilder, authorPOINT, LessonWriter, etc
5. Create Your Style
One of the most important features of a successful e-teacher is to formulate an original self-style of teaching and most importantly to stick to it. When your learners understand your style, the will know exactly what to expect and exactly what you mean when you say/do a task online.
6. Response Mechanism
Just as formative and summative assessments sum up a traditional teaching session, so it is with an online one. It’s imperative for educators to have a session that seeks immediate feedback from the learners. Ensure that feedbacks are responded to and that learners feel like an included community because their responses matter.
Developing an e-learning session is not rocket science; it is only a shift in the medium that will ultimately bridge the gap between our tech-savvy young learners and the teacher/facilitator.