eVidya SSC Multi Tasking Non-Technical 2022 5 Solved Papers & 10 Practice Sets with Solutions – Based on Latest Curriculum CBT Based MTS Entrance Exams PAPER 1


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eVidya team always determined the importance of career opportunity and the subsequent criteria for making your career bright by preparing genius books to qualify for related entrance examinations. Here, we again are back with another add-on for a very important upcoming exam. We have a book for the Non-Technical Entrance Exam 2022 to prepare for SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS).

The framework of the book is designed in a manner that covers the following Features:

  • This Book is based on the newly introduced exam curriculum for giving you thorough practice for exams.
  • This book covers all topics with 100% explanation with its detailed solutions.
  • It also includes previous year’s questions for making your preparation well with confidence.
  • This book is based on CBT (Computer Based Test) pattern for giving an idea about the entrance exam.
  • 5 solved papers with 10 practice sets will give you an idea about how to answer your paper, along with practice sets to practice and analyze your level of preparation.

eVidya team wishes all aspirants happy and win-win learning.

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