
Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Gopal Krishna Gokhale
  • Gopal Krishna Gokhale was born on 9th May 1866 in Kotluk village in Maharashtra.
  • Gopal Krishna Gokhale was moderate.
  • Gokhale worked towards social empowerment, expansion of education, and struggle for freedom in India for three decades.
  • He rejected the use of reactionary or revolutionary ways.
  • Between 1899 and 1902, he was a member of the Bombay Legislative Council followed by work at the Imperial Legislative Council from 1902 till his death (1915).
  • At the Imperial legislature, Gokhale played a key role in framing the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909.
  • He did not believe in radical demands altogether and wished for peaceful and non-confrontationist methods to acquire rights and privileges from the government.
  • He was voted to the Legislative Council of Bombay in 1899, and also to the Governor-General’s Imperial Council in 1901.
  • He established the Servants of India Society in 1905 for the expansion of Indian education.
  • He was also associated with the Sarvajanik Sabha journal started by Govind Ranade.
  • In 1908, Gokhale founded the Ranade Institute of Economics.
  • Bal Gangadhar Tilak called him ‘Diamond of India.’
  • In 1889, Gokhale joined the INC motivated by his mentor, social reformer M G Ranade.
  • He fought along with a host of other leaders and reformers for more political rights for the Indian people.
  • This is where he came into conflict with the extremist faction of the INC, especially Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
  • He was elected as Honorary Secretary of the Sarvajanik Sabha, Pune in 1890.
  • In 1893, Gokhale became the Secretary of the Bombay Provincial Conference.
  • In 1895, he served as the Joint Secretary of the INC along with Tilak.
  • Gokhale believed in working with the colonial government to bring about social reforms in society.
  • In 1905, Gokhale established the Servants of India Society for expanding education to Indians. He wanted Indians to receive an education that would instil in them a civic and patriotic sense of duty.
  • As part of the Society’s activities, he arranged mobile libraries and schools. He also gave night classes to industrial workers.
  • He was a renowned Economist and his speech on a budget in the Central Legislative Council portrayed his sound and thorough statistical skills.
  • Gopal Krishna Gokhale played a major role in the Morley-Minto reforms.
  • In 1908, Gokhale founded the ‘Ranade Institute of Economics’. He discouraged the untouchability and caste system, pleaded for the liberation of women and supported the cause of female education.
  • Gokhale visited Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa in 1912 at the latter’s request. He famously mentored the father of the nation, who returned to India at Gokhale’s request.
  • In Gandhi’s autobiography, he writes of Gokhale, “pure as crystal, gentle as a lamb, brave as a lion and chivalrous to a fault and the most perfect man in the political field.”Gokhale also started newspapers, ‘Mahratta’ and ‘Jnanaprakash’.
  • Speeches and Writings

This book is a collection of Gokhale’s speeches and writings, political thoughts and ideology.

  • Poverty and Un British in India

This book critized British policies in India. It describes for the need of greater Indian representation.

  • Speeches and Documents on Indian Policy from 1750 to 1951

It collection of speeches and documents related to Indian policy from 1750 to 1921.

  • Indian Education

Gokhale argued for a comprehensive system of education in India and insisted to promote literary, scientific and technical education.

  • The Dual Government

It analyzed the relationship between the British government and the Indian people.

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