Samvad Yatra
Samvaad Yatra 1.0 संवाद-यात्रा 1.0
Our intellectuals with children in ‘Career Direction Seminar’ for more than 2,00,000 (two lakhs) learners from class 7 to 12 under “Vidya Samvad Yatra” organized in 500 middle schools of Uttar Pradesh during the years 2018 and 2019 was a good learning experience. The effectiveness of the seminar is clearly aware of the importance and credibility of this small effort in the minds of children. The above-mentioned programs are indispensable for the guidance of the educated boys and girls for their career guidance with a view to building a golden future. Studying children naturally dream of going to a good job, business and profession. Positive management along with the development of study habits and effective preparation of examination is very important for the selection of appropriate opportunities. Due to not getting the right direction, often children are not able to achieve good achievements and are deprived of them. Speakers and consultants associated with the Research and Development Cell of the Vidya Prakashan Mandir are national and international level hospice experts associated with the field of direction. They are the keen experts in the true service of education working on the contextual purpose.

Samvaad Yatra 2.0 संवाद-यात्रा 2.0
As a part of our #CSR activity, we started on a mission to take quality education to the most primitive parts of the country. We interacted with students and teachers across Uttar Pradesh
and what a fabulous interaction campaign that was. #SamvaadYatra was widely appreciated and was life-changing to the masses.
#VidyaPrakashan one of the leading publishing houses came back with an amazing event something that will be known in the history of #education.

Digital Samvaad 1.0
We all are aware that the year 2020 has come with many challenges and the foremost is #COVID19, which has impacted everyone on the globe. Due to this ongoing pandemic, students are suffering the most because they are missing #schools, #friends, #teachers, and most important discussions.
“Digital Samvaad” is a new initiative considering the current crisis where social distancing and staying at home is the only precautionary measure for being safe.
This digital program “DIGITAL SAMVAAD” aims to counsel students of classes X, XI, and XII of all the #StateBoards, #NationalBoard #CBSE, #ICSE on various academic issues via the digital medium in the form of 1 hour Webinar by the experts.
Having any doubts about your future endeavors? If yes, then you must attend this webinar for all the answers to your questions.
The webinar conducted on 27th May 2020

Digital Samvaad 2.0
A Digital Samvaad organized under the aegis of Vidya Prakashan Mandir (P) Ltd. was effectively successful today. 1570 teachers and learners of 60 districts from Uttar Pradesh participated in an online discussion. The program was conducted by Dr. Rohit Khokher, Chief Technology Officer, Vidya Prakashan Mandir., Eminent Psychologist, and Career Counselor Prof. Ritu Kaushik, who guided the students. Dr. Rohit said that through digital medium these days, the central government is constantly making efforts to provide education to children through the Swayam Prabha channel to every village, city, and town. The government is making continuous efforts to make education accessible to children. The government intends that no student of the country should be deprived of education.
Prof. Ritu Kaushik said that for the choice of subject in class XI, children should choose the option keeping in mind their interest in the subject and set their life goals accordingly. The contestants participating in the competitive examinations should strengthen their general knowledge, read the newspaper, watch the news on TV, etc. and review and discuss them mutually subject-wise. Digital education is the new education of the new era. Children should get into the habit of listening to TV and online tracks.
It is worth noting that NCERT lesson plans are available on the Gyan Vani channel.
Marketing Head, Rajiv Oberoi, while highlighting the importance of digital education, described it as extremely necessary. He said that change is the law of nature, so students have to adopt an online education system. Due to Covid-19, there is a possibility of a decline in the areas of hotels, tourism, and air travel in the coming time. Therefore, there is a need to rethink before making a career in these fields. In order to prepare for competitive exams, one will be required to search for online content on Google to appear in exams like NDA, IIT, and NEET. The students who sit for the exam should start preparing themselves by purchasing the book from the bookseller because the coaching institutes etc. are not going to open recently.
Educationist Dr. Jai Shankar Atreya emphasized time management with a view to planned preparation of regular studies for secondary level students and for this, the house timetable was advised to follow it. This gives a smooth and targeted directly to the study and may lead to disciplined studies. Dr. Atreya also suggested excellent formulas for the preparation of the board examination to the candidates. He said that the presentation of questions and answers in the answer book should be attractive and effective.
He suggested the children bring the required changes in social and emotional behavior patterns due to the lockdown. He advised the children that they can bring moral character and behavior by reading good literature and watching TV’s inspiring programs. Along with this, yoga exercises, physical exercises, social media, and Google are also sufficiently useful. At the end of the Digital Dialogue program, Dr. Rohit Khokher presented an analytical review with reference to the discussion of each speaker. Participants from various places presented their queries, which were addressed by the speakers appropriately. Managing Director of Vidya Prakashan Mandir, Saurabh Jain thanked all the participating teachers and learners. He expressed the need to convert the challenges faced by the education industry into a great opportunity.

Digital Samvaad 3.0
We all are aware that the year 2020 has come with many challenges and the foremost is #COVID19, which has impacted everyone on the globe. Due to this ongoing pandemic, students are suffering the most because they are missing #schools, #friends, #teachers, and most important discussions.
“Digital Samvaad” is a new initiative considering the current crisis where social distancing and staying at home is the only precautionary measure for being safe.
This digital program “DIGITAL SAMVAAD” aims to counsel students of classes X, XI, and XII of all the #StateBoards, #NationalBoard #CBSE, #ICSE on various academic issues via the digital medium in the form of 1 hour Webinar by the experts.
Having any doubts about your future endeavors? If yes, then you must attend this webinar for all the answers to your questions.
The webinar conducted on 27th May 2020