eVidya UPPCL Sahayak Lekhakar Assistant Accountant Practice Set for CBT Entrance Exam 2022


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eVidya Books for UPPCL is a map for success for all aspirants applying for the post-Sahayak Lekhakar (Assistant Accountant) Entrance Exam 2023 in UPPCL, counted to be as the most recommended and best book for getting selected in Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited 2022-2023 recruitment exams.
Immediately after releasing Group ‘C’ notification no. 11/VSA/2022/AA on 9th November 2022 by the electrical service commission, the editorial team geared up to develop a practice set on Computer Knowledge (NIELIT CCC Level).

Salient Features:
• This book will help learners enhance their learning as it is presented with an explanatory solution.
• The book is based on the CBT(Computer Based Test) pattern, which will help aspirants to practice speed efficiency in answering the paper.
• Based on the new curriculum, it will help aspirants to be in an updated learning process.
• Ample practicing makes learning well, that’s why 25 practice/Solved paper sets are designed in this book, 2022 solved paper is included in this book for guiding the aspirant’s paper answering pattern.

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