NCERT Based Digest Physics Class 12 for 2022 Exam | All In One Book | Text Book And Help book | UP Board | Vidya Prakashan


Publisher : Vidya Prakashan Mandir Pvt. Ltd.
Binding: Paperback
Language:  Hindi, ISBN:9788195154623


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With so much around a Students are always confused about what to study and what not? Vidya’s Digest Textbooks has been made keeping all needs of Students in mind and Designed to provide comprehensive guidance on Theory, Practice, and Assessment. The Digest has been the preferred Choice of Students and Teachers across the Country.

Complete Theory
Coverage of entire syllabus with topic-wise NCERT theory in an easy-to-understand form. Helps students grasp theory in an easy manner. Theories are supported with Examples and Well labeled diagrams for better understanding. Each Topic Treated as Chapter Make Sure enough detail is given for students to master the concepts of each chapter.

Complete Practice
As well said Practice makes a Man perfect, the Book covers all Questions for practice from NCERT, Exemplars, and Question asked previously in Board Exams. Making sure for Students to Practice enough to learn the concept in a practice manner so that they never forget the concept.

Complete Assessment
Once You are done with the theory and Practice Part it’s always nice to evaluate your prep with Assessment in the same format as your actual exam. Be it MCQ, 2 Markers, or 6 Markers. Assessment Section consists of scientifically designed Questions to evaluate your prep according to exam prep at the same letting you know where to focus.

Online Support
With changing exam patterns and syllabus, theories are not always enough so developing a better understanding of concepts matters a lot. Digest a series of books covered with Online Support to provide your additional exam material like Videos, Coloured Figures, Previous Year Questions, Toppers Copy, Revision Notes, and Much More, making it a perfect and must-have companion for your Board exam prep.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column]

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