eVidya UPSSSC Gramay Samaj Evam Vikas Sampuran Margdarshika Evam Practice Workbook – Rajasv Lekhpal, Chakbandi Lekhpal UPSSSC Gramya Samaj Evam Vikas Sampuran Margdarshika Evam Practice Workbook


UPSSSC has released notification for Rajsav Lekphal and Chakbandi Lekhpal Posts on 8 December 2021. eVidya book “UPSSSC Gramya Samaj Evam Vikas Sampuran Margdarshika Evam Practice Workbook” covers all defined Topics/Subtopics of Gram Samaj Evam Vikas, and is according to the Syllabus. Students who have applied for this exam , have an additional advantage as there are four sections-Samanya Hindi, Ganith, Samanya Gyan and Gramay Samaj Evam Vikas. This Book covers the latest Exam Pattern, Syllabus & Trends so that you can ensure almost sure success in the exam. A detailed theory of Gramya Samaj Evam Vikas, Chapterwise MCQs questions with detailed explanation in every chapter is available throughout this book. At the end of 10 Practice Sets has been given to sharpen your preparation.

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