
Inclusive & Supportive LEADERSHIP

Leadership is a tough job on any given day but it has become especially challenging in the current times. The pandemic has sent everyone packing at home and every economy is witnessing a slump like nothing ever seen before. In these testing times, the onus to keep the teams motivated and positive to achieve the best possible outcome from the dire situation like today. So,what would be the recipe of relative success and which leaders will stand out? Is there a mantra which can work in an unusual situation like this? Read on to know more about my take on it.”

Skills Development

The current times will demand a skilled workforce more than ever. In a daily mundane routine, the employees often forget to learn new skills or simply do not have adequate time. It will be useful to utilize this time to inculcate new skills in the workforce which will come in handy. Stressing on technological skill development is advisable.


An inclusive environment can be conducive of productivity. A place where inclusive culture prevails, the employees are motivated and perform better. When an employee feels like part of the core functioning of the organization, they can focus better on the organizational goals.

Sustainable Employment

It is very important that the employees feel secure in terms of their livelihood in these difficult times. This security will in turn help in better mental health and loyalty towards the organization. While some corrective steps are expected to be taken across the board, sustainable employment will play a big role in effective leadership.

Identification of talent

Every team is made of different talents and people with different levels of expertise of these talents. It is essential to identify and nurture this talent. It also helps in delegating tasks better which in turn will lead to improved productivity. As a leader, one must have an eye for identification of talent.


Communication is the single most important requirement of effective leadership. As a leader you must be adept at communicating the goals, situation etc. to the team. Make sure the communication is always clear and lays out the clear guidelines which the workforce can follow.

Build a community

What will certainly stand out in coming times are communities as opposed to blindly obedient teams, Community feeling is a strong feeling linked to high performance and improved coordination. The employees will feel more a part of the organization and their interpersonal communication also will improve. This is bound to lead to overall improved productivity. These are a few key aspects the leaders of today need to adapt to come out of these uncertain and challenging times as winners.

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